CIS Full Form

CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Combat In School

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You can get all the information about acronym or abbreviation of CIS related to all terminology where some of CIS Full forms can be referred here. At, you can get all updates on various acronym / abbreviation / shorthand for in general or specialized based upon your interest.

CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Case Information Study

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Criminally Insane Snipers

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Corruption is Systemic

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Court Information System

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Canadian Interuniversity Sport

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Center for Imaging Science

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Computer and Information Science

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Computer Information Science

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Council of International Schools

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Computer Informations Systems

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Computer Information Services

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Communication Information Systems

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Chase Information Systems

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Com Internet Services

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Chemical Information Systems, Inc.

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Carbonlite Ionet Suspension

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Continuous Interleaved Sampling

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Chemical Information System

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Chemical Inventory System

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Copper Indium diSelenide

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Continuous Injection System

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Constant Injection System

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Center for Immigration Studies

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Casualty Information Society

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Christians In Science

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Cuba Independent Schools

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Communities In the Schools

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Commonwealth of Independent States

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Candian Interuniversity Sport

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Cruising In Style

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Compressed Image Similar

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Confederacy of Independent Systems

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Comprehensive Income Statement

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Collaborative Information System

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Career Information System

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Computer Integrated Surgery

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Carcinoma In Situ

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Cancer Information Service

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Carcinoma-In-Situ

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is cisplatin

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Computerised Information System

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Card Information Structure

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Computer Information Systems

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Conversion Indexing Sorting

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Center for Internet Security

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Canton Island Airport

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Centre for Independent Studies

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Clinical Information System

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Chinese International School

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Contact Image Sensing

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Community Innovation Surveys

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Copenhagen International School

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Colombo International School

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Commemorative Integrity Statement

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Computerized Information System

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Co-operative Insurance Society

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Commonwealth of Independence States

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Central Integration Site

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Change Impact Summary

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Communication Interface System

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Component Identification Sheet

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Contractor's Information Submittal

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Customer Information System

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Committee For Internal Security

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Certified Instrument Specialist

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Criminal Information System

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Common Implementation Strategy

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Composite Information Server

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Cut It Short

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Can It Sam

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Chromosome Insertion Sequence

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Chromosome Information System

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Care Information System

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Catheter-Induced Spasm

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Central Issue System

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Coronary Intervention Study

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Central Inhibitory State

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Cytokine-Inducing Substance

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Catastrophic Incident Supplement

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Criminal Investigative Service

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Combat Identification System

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Critical Information Shortfall

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Communications Interface Shelter

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Common Item Support

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Contact Image Sensor

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Capital Investment Strategy

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Command Information System

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Component Information System

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Constant Idle System

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Chinese International Shipping

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Cargo Information Service

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Cockpit Instrumentation System

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Consumer Information Statement

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Criminal Investigation Section

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Construction Industry Scheme

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Customs Information System

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Central Intelligence Services

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Chartered Institute of Stockbrokers

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Centre for Intergroup Studies

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Campus International School

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Certified IPC Specialist

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Center for Industrial Services

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Communication and Information Systems

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CIS Full Form - What is the full form of CIS?

-Full Form of CIS is Citizen Information Service

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